In the vast and immersive world of Myth of Empires, where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and empires rise and fall, there lies a crucial aspect that often goes overlooked: horse breeding. While mastering the art of combat and resource management is essential, understanding the intricacies of breeding horses can significantly bolster your guild’s strength and resources. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the process of mating horses within your guild, bypassing the need for cumbersome transfers through the guild depot.

Understanding the Basics

Breeding horses in Myth of Empires requires careful planning and preparation. Before delving into the breeding process, ensure you have the necessary resources and permissions in place. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. Male and Female Horses: Prepare a suitable pair for mating, ensuring they meet the desired breeding criteria.
  2. Fencing and Enclosure: Construct a fenced enclosure to contain the mating horses securely. Ensure there are no gaps where the horses could escape.
  3. Permission: Obtain permission from your guild mate or alliance mate before initiating the breeding process. Respectful collaboration is key to successful horse breeding within a guild.
  4. Common Cores Fodder: Stock up on common cores fodder to sustain the pregnant horse throughout the breeding process.
  5. Taming Skills: Invest in taming skills within the skill tree to enhance fertility rates and increase the chances of successful mating.

Initiating the Breeding Process

Once you’ve assembled all the necessary components, it’s time to initiate the breeding process. Follow these steps:

  1. Set Permissions: Adjust the permissions of the enclosure to allow guild members access for mating purposes.
  2. Enable Wandering Mode: Place both the male and female horses inside the enclosure and set them to wandering mode. This allows them to move freely and initiate the mating process autonomously.
  3. Monitor Mating Process: Observe as the horses approach each other, displaying affectionate gestures symbolized by love hearts. The mating process will commence, indicated by a progress bar that fills over time.
  4. Manage Life Force: Be mindful of the life force of your horses, as each mating attempt depletes their life force. Higher-tier horses require more robust taming skills to sustain repeated breeding attempts.

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Upon successful mating, the female horse will enter a state of pregnancy, signified by an impending childbirth. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Await Childbirth: Prepare for childbirth, as indicated by a countdown timer. Ensure the safety of the pregnant horse during this vulnerable period to prevent potential attacks from adversaries.
  2. Welcoming the Foal: Once the countdown concludes, the foal will be born. Approach the newborn foal and assign a name, marking its official entry into your equine family.
  3. Nurture and Protect: Provide nourishment to the foal, ensuring its healthy growth and development. Consider placing the foal in a secure location, such as a stable, to safeguard it from external threats.
  4. Repeat the Process: With the birth of a new foal, the breeding cycle continues. Monitor the fertility and life force of your horses, optimizing breeding strategies for desirable outcomes.

Optimizing Breeding Efforts

To maximize the efficiency and success of your breeding endeavors, consider the following tips:

  1. Invest in Taming Skills: Continuously upgrade taming skills to enhance fertility rates, reduce breeding cooldowns, and improve the overall quality of offspring.
  2. Genetic Optimization: Utilize genetic enhancement skills to minimize the risk of producing weak offspring. Select breeding pairs strategically to capitalize on desirable traits and attributes.
  3. Secure Breeding Facilities: Establish secure breeding facilities within your guild territory, minimizing the risk of external threats and ensuring the safety of breeding horses and their offspring.
  4. Collaborative Breeding Programs: Foster collaboration among guild members by coordinating breeding efforts and sharing resources. Pooling expertise and resources can yield superior breeding outcomes and strengthen guild cohesion.


In the dynamic world of Myth of Empires, mastering the art of horse breeding is essential for guild survival and prosperity. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can navigate the complexities of horse breeding with confidence and efficiency. Embrace the challenge, nurture your equine companions, and forge a legacy of greatness within your guild’s stables. Happy breeding, and may your steeds lead you to victory on the battlefield of Myth of Empires.

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