In the world of Last Epoch, effective loot filtering can make or break your gaming experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, having a well-designed loot filter can streamline your gameplay, making it easier to identify valuable items while ignoring clutter. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of crafting a personalized loot filter that suits your playstyle and preferences.

Understanding the Basics:

Before diving into the specifics of crafting a loot filter, it’s essential to understand the fundamental concepts behind it. A loot filter is essentially a set of rules that dictate which items are displayed on the ground and how they’re presented to the player. By customizing these rules, you can prioritize certain types of loot while hiding others, thereby optimizing your looting experience.

Creating Your Filter:

To begin creating your loot filter, you’ll need to access the filter customization options within Last Epoch. Start by creating a new filter and follow along as we outline the key steps in designing an effective filter.

  1. The Shatter Me Rule:

The first rule we’ll implement is what we’ll call the “Shatter Me” rule. This rule focuses on hiding items that aren’t immediately useful for your build while making exceptions for desirable affixes. For example, if you’re playing a caster build, you may prioritize affixes related to mana and mana regeneration. By setting up this rule, you ensure that only items with relevant affixes are displayed, reducing clutter and streamlining your looting process.

  1. The Show Me Rule:

Next, we’ll establish the “Show Me” rule, which dictates what items you want to see on the ground. This rule allows you to highlight items that are crucial for your build, such as hybrid health modifiers or elemental damage over time affixes. By customizing this rule to align with your build’s requirements, you can quickly identify valuable items that contribute to your character’s progression.

  1. The Idol Rule:

Another important aspect of loot filtering in Last Epoch is managing idol drops effectively. Idols play a significant role in character customization, offering various bonuses and enhancements. With the “Idol Rule,” you can specify which types of idols you want to display, such as those with health bonuses or resistance modifiers. By filtering out irrelevant idols, you can focus on collecting those that complement your build and maximize your character’s potential.

  1. Rarity and Special Items:

In addition to filtering based on affixes and modifiers, it’s essential to highlight items of special rarity, such as unique and set items. These items often boast powerful bonuses or unique properties that can significantly impact your character’s strength. By ensuring that these items are prominently displayed, you can quickly identify valuable loot opportunities and prioritize their acquisition.

  1. Customization and Optimization:

Once you’ve established the core rules of your loot filter, take some time to fine-tune and optimize its performance. Consider adjusting the visibility thresholds for different item types based on your progression within the game. For example, you may choose to prioritize rare items during the leveling process but shift focus to exalted items in the endgame. By adapting your filter to suit your current needs, you can ensure that it remains effective and relevant throughout your gameplay journey.


In conclusion, crafting an effective loot filter in Last Epoch is essential for optimizing your looting experience and maximizing your character’s potential. By following the guidelines outlined in this guide, you can design a personalized filter that aligns with your build, preferences, and playstyle. Remember to regularly review and update your filter as your character progresses and new loot opportunities arise. With a well-designed loot filter at your disposal, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the world of Last Epoch and emerge victorious in your adventures.

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