In the vast and intricate world of Elden Ring, players are constantly discovering new ways to approach challenges and conquer formidable foes. One such unconventional journey involves harnessing the power of gravity spells to dominate the game. In this article, we delve into a unique playthrough where gravity spells take center stage, showcasing their potential and unleashing devastation upon the game’s bosses.

The Setup:

The protagonist of this adventure focuses solely on gravity spells, particularly the less-utilized variants like a meteorite, vastel, and collapsing stars. The goal is to avoid the commonly favored rock sling spell and instead explore the untapped potential of gravity-centric abilities. The journey begins with a straightforward setup, acquiring the necessary spells and Elden Ring items to pave the way for gravity-based domination.

Early Triumphs:

The protagonist wastes no time in showcasing the power of the chosen spells. With the acquisition of three rocks early on, the game’s initial challenges become a mere formality. The protagonist effortlessly dispatches foes and even takes down the formidable Godric with ease, demonstrating the overwhelming damage potential of gravity spells.

Expanding the Arsenal:

As the adventure progresses, the protagonist strategically expands their spell repertoire. Gravity well is introduced, providing a charged alternative that synergizes well with the impending challenges. The addition of the Graven School Talisman and the Magic Shroud further amplifies the protagonist’s magical prowess.

Boss Battles:

The journey takes an interesting turn as the protagonist faces off against various bosses. From the mini-bosses in the Academy of Royal Carrier to the iconic Red Wolf and the Alabaster Lords, each encounter is a showcase of gravity spell mastery. The strategy evolves as the protagonist navigates through different environments, adapting the approach to suit each unique challenge.

Upgrades and Challenges:

Upgrading the protagonist’s staff becomes a pivotal moment, with the acquisition of the stars of Darkness and the Meteorite of Estelle. The inclusion of these powerful spells sets the stage for facing tougher adversaries, including the Dragonlord Placidious Ax and the imposing Malakith.

Unleashing Collapsing Stars:

The pinnacle of the protagonist’s power is reached with the acquisition of Collapsing Stars. This upgraded spell becomes a game-changer, dealing substantial damage and homing in on enemies. Bosses like Gothic and Radagon fall victim to the relentless onslaught of collapsing stars, highlighting the versatility and potency of gravity spells.

Challenges and Triumphs:

While some bosses present challenges, such as the elusive Loretta and the formidable Millennia, the protagonist’s determination prevails. Even the dreaded Rot Goddess Melania proves to be a worthy adversary, pushing the limits of gravity spell strategies.

The Climax:

The climax of the adventure unfolds with the protagonist facing the final boss, Elden Beast Radagon. The combination of three rocks, collapsing stars, and the Meteorite of Estelle results in a scripted and awe-inspiring battle, culminating in the protagonist’s triumph over the Elden Beast.


The gravity spell-centric journey in Elden Ring showcases the untapped potential of these spells in the hands of a skilled sorcerer. The protagonist’s strategic approach, adaptability, and mastery of gravity spells redefine the conventional playthrough, offering players a fresh perspective on conquering the challenges of the Elden Ring. As players continue to explore the game’s vast landscapes, the allure of gravity spells remains an enticing path for those seeking a unique and powerful adventure.

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